よつばと! 8
参考:よつばと! 7
Endangered Bighorn Sheep Get Safe HomeToday the US federal government has designated over 625 square miles of mountain range as a protected habitat for the endangered Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep. Conservationists had to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 2005 in order to have this land protected. The lawsuit stated that the Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep was threatened with extinction because this habitat wasn't protected under the Endangered Species Act as it should be.
Aesops Fables | Wolf In Sheep Clothing | Kids Short Stories | Wolf Trap | Fable MoralOnce upon a time a Wolf resolved to disguise his appearance in order to secure food more easily. He was hungry and knew that the shepherds of the area guarded their sheep well.
Encased in the skin of a sheep, he wandered into the pasture nearby. A flock of sheep was grazing there, blissful under the morning sun. "When the shepherd turns his back I will slide in with them," said the Wolf, making his sly move into the flock eventually.
羊でおやすみシリーズ番外編 「俺は眠くなーい」素敵な声というのは、聞くだけで癒されませんか?
誰しもが普段使う言葉なのに、その人がしゃべるだけで全く印象が変わってしまう。 心が安らいだり、幸せな気分になったり…… 思わず笑ってしまったり。 とっても不思議な力を秘めています。
本製品は安眠促進CDと題し、素敵な声の役者さんたちに羊の数を数えてもらう。 …という単純明快なCDの第9弾です。
今回は夢先案内人に 若本規夫さんをお迎えしました。 “羊を数えるだけ”という単純なボイスだからこそ際立つ美声。 その素晴らしさを今回も存分に味わっていただけたらと思います。 お布団に入って、安らかな眠りにつくまでの リラックスしているひと時にお聴きいただけたらと考えています。
ただし……今回は『番外編』です。 前回までの「おやすみシリーズ」とは全く異なる作品ですのでご注意ください。 ※安眠促進CDではありません
Sheep Kept As Pet By David Palmer In Cardiff: Nick Boing Raids Biscuit Barrell And Watches TV | UK News | Sky NewsHe likes to watch TV after raiding the biscuit barrell. But he often just prefers to curl up in front of the fire.
Nothing unusual about that, if we were talking your usual domestic pet.
But this is a sheep called Nick Boing, named because of his bouncy personality.